Things to see and do on St. Agnes

Visit Britain’s smallest dairy

Troytown farm is the only dairy farm on the Isles of Scilly with just nine cows and one of the smallest in the country. At Troytown Farm Shop, you’ll find the islands’ own clotted cream, yoghurt and butter – but the farm’s most famous for its thick, indulgent ice cream, in over 30 flavours.

A pub with a view

The Turk’s Head is one of the Isles of Scilly’s most iconic pubs – and, overlooking Porth Conger, it’s arguably one of the most scenic in the UK and it’s also the most south westerly. It’s popular with islanders and visitors alike, with a varied lunch and dinner menu, and range of real ales.

Treasure at Beady Pool

400 years ago, a trading ship foundered on the treacherous rocks off St. Agnes, sending its cargo of Venetian glass and ceramic beads to the bottom of the sea. Ever since, the currents have carried these tiny treasures to a horseshoe-shaped cove – Beady Pool.

St. Agnes Watersports

Situated on the beach, in the quiet harbour of Pereglis is St. Agnes Watersports. The Watersports site has been developed from years of passion and experience; and it allows visitors to see enjoy the St. Agnes from the water, seeing the island from a different perspective.

Sample itineraries



Walk the coast - St Agnes

What to do on St Agnes island?

One of our favourite walks is to the back of the island and furthest westerly point, there’s only one quay on the island so once disembarked from the boat keep walking straight on and not to the left into town. We've pulled together a handy guide to help you catch a snippet of St Agnes in just a few short hours, read on to find out more.

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Treasure hunting on St. Agnes

St Agnes Treasure Hunt

St Agnes is the very tip of the British Isles. To the south west, there’s nothing but Bishop Rock Lighthouse, three thousand miles of ocean and, beyond that, North America. As you’d expect, it’s unspoiled, and a little untamed – with mysterious, Bronze Age archaeology, and rare bird species brought in on the Atlantic currents. There's all sorts of treasure to be found on this wild island, read our guide for a chance to find yours.

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Foodies day out on St. Agnes

Dine at Restaurants on St Agnes Isles of Scilly

To the east of St. Agnes, across the narrow channel by the Turk's Head, you'll see the mysterious island of Gugh. But here's another secret; wait for low tide, and a sand bar appears... you can simply walk across, and explore to your hearts content. There's more information below.

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Inspire me St. Agnes

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