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Group bookings

Group booking discounts are only available to travel agency representatives and organised group tours wishing to visit the Isles of Scilly.

For booking purposes we count a group as 8 or more passengers.

To book please call or email us on:

01720 424227

Skybus Group 8+ people

2025 Group fares

Land's End – Adult single  £135.00 per person
Land's End – Adult day trip return  £136.00 per person
Land's End Airport bus transfer  £8.00 per person
Newquay – Adult single  £185.00 per person
Exeter – Adult single  £265.00 per person

2025 School fares

Lands End – Adult Single  £117.00 per person
Lands End – Adult Day Trip Return  £136.00 per person
Lands End – Child Single  £88.00 per person
Lands End – Child Day Trip Return  £102.00 per person

Making a group booking

For booking purposes we count a group as 8 or more passengers. You can make a booking under a group name or the name of someone organising. We ask that all names for the individual passengers are provided at least six weeks before you leave.

Any further changes to the booking after this time, our amendments terms will apply.

To secure the booking a non-refundable deposit, per person, for Skybus is:

Deposit Land’s End Airport £30 per person
Deposit Newquay Airport £35 per person
Deposit Exeter International Airport £45 per person

Group booking terms

If a member of your group decides not to travel, you can replace them with another passenger free of charge, as long as the change is made before full payment is made and / or you have provided passenger names for your group. The full balance must be paid eight weeks before departure. Bookings made at shorter notice require the full amount to be paid straight away.

If you wish to make a change to your booking after we have issued the booking confirmation, our amendment terms will apply. Please see our T&C’s document for more detail.

We know things do not always go to plan and there will be occasions when you may need to cancel your booking. Please see our T&C’s document for more detail.

Download information leaflets:

Group Bookings Brochure
Group Terms and Conditions

School and Youth Groups 2025

Making a school or youth group booking with Isles of Scilly Travel is quick and easy. Simply download the brochure for more information and the booking form to book:

School & Youth Group Booking Brochure
School & Youth Group Booking Form


Group bookings

Group booking discounts are only available to travel agency representatives and organised group tours wishing to visit the Isles of Scilly.

For booking purposes we count a group as 15 or more on Scillonian III passenger ferry.

To book please call or email us on:

01720 424227

Scillonian Group 15+ people

2025 Group fares

Scillonian – Adult Single   £85.00 per person
Scillonian – Adult Day Trip Return
£35.00 per person
Scillonian – Park and ride
£7.50 per day

For Scillonian III coach parties – please email to discuss additional discounts available.

2025 School fares

Scillonian – Adult Single £73.00 per person
Scillonian – Adult Day Trip Return £35.00 per person
Scillonian – Child Single £41.00 per person
Scillonian – Child Day Trip Return £17.50 per person

Making a booking

For booking purposes we count a group as 15 or more on Scillonian III passenger ferry. You can make a booking under a group name or the name of someone organising. We ask that all names for the individual passengers are provided at least six weeks before you leave. Any further changes to the booking after this time, our amendments terms will apply.


For group bookings we require a non-refundable deposit of £10 per person. Our standard amendment policy and fees apply to group bookings, please see the section ‘Amendments, Refunds and Cancellations Policy for all Travel Modes’. If a member of your group decides not to travel, you can replace them with another passenger free of charge, as long as the change is made before full payment is made and / or you have provided passenger names for your group. The full balance must be paid eight weeks before departure. Bookings made at shorter notice require the full amount to be paid straight away.



Our cancellation fees for group bookings on Scillonian III passenger ferry are as follows:

100% of costs on day of travel.

50% of costs within 24hrs of travel.

30% of costs within 14 days of travel.

If 15 seats or below are booked, then no cancellation fee applies if cancelled at least 24hrs in advance.


There are no amendment fees applied to group day trip bookings. However, we do require a deposit for seats held as follows

which is non-refundable should you need to cancel your booking.

50% of costs for 40 or more seats held.

25% of costs for 30 or more seats held.

15% of costs for 15 or more seats held.

If 15 seats or below are booked, then no deposit is required.

Download information leaflets:

Group Bookings Brochure
Group Terms and Conditions

School and Youth Groups 2025

Making a school or youth group booking with Isles of Scilly Travel is quick and easy. Simply download the brochure for more information and the booking form to book:

School & Youth Group Booking Brochure
School & Youth Group Booking Form


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