Atlantic Grey Seal - Isles of Scilly

Isles of Scilly

Wildlife & Nature

Wildlife on the Isles of Scilly is like nowhere else on earth. The diversity of habitats makes it hugely biodiverse, and people come here to enjoy the unique species and beautiful landscapes. Some, like the Scilly shrew, dwarf pansy and orange bird’s-foot, are only found here in the UK. Enjoy wildlife on land and at sea, including migratory birds (in spring and autumn), seabirds like puffins and Manx shearwaters (in summer), grey seals, dolphins and whales. Admire majestic elm trees, examine thriving rockpools and inhale the heady coconut scent of gorse.

The Eastern Isles - Isles of Scilly

Isles of Scilly Wildlife Trust

Helping to keep the islands special

The Isles of Scilly Wildlife Trust (IoSWT) is the local conservation charity on the islands. They manage around 700ha of land for wildlife and people, including managing diverse habitats, protecting rare plants, monitoring seabirds, grey seals and bats, and bringing people closer to local nature. They clear 85km of paths around ten islands every year, so that people can enjoy our islands. We have chosen to support IoSWT, forming a partnership to ensure the islands remain special for people to enjoy for generations to come.

The Trust has lots of resources online to help you get the most out of your wild visit.

What you'll see

Isles of Scilly wildlife

The Isles of Scilly have been designated as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. We are unique in that the entire archipelago is covered, whilst also being the smallest AONB in the country. The islands are home to a variety of wildlife, including seabirds, seals, rare plants and more. Here’s just some of the species you’ll see on the Isles of Scilly:

  • • Atlantic Grey Seal
  • • Bats
  • • Comma
  • • Common Tern
  • • Cormorant
  • • Curlew
  • • Dolphins
  • • Dwarf Pansy
  • • Elm
  • • Fulmar
  • • Gannet
  • • Giant Goby
  • • Golden Hair Lichen
  • • Guillemot
  • • Hedgehog
  • • Kittiwake
  • • Least Adder’s Tongue Fern
  • • Lesser black backed Gull
  • • Ling and Bell Heather
  • • Little Egret
  • • Manx Shearwater
  • • Ocean Sunfish
  • • Orange Birds-foot
  • • Orange Peel Bryozoa
  • • Oystercatcher
  • • Puffin
  • • Razorbill
  • • Red-barbed Ant
  • • Ringed Plover
  • • Sap Groove Lichen
  • • Scilly Bee
  • • Scilly Shrew
  • • Shag
  • • Song Thrush
  • • Storm Petrel
  • • Turnstone
Oystercatchers- Isles of Scilly

Can you help Save our Shorebirds?

The Isles of Scilly Wildlife Trust is calling for visitors to help Save our Shorebirds. Oystercatchers are one of the island’s most iconic island birds, with their striking black-and-white plumage, red legs and carrot-like bill. Island-wide surveys have suggested that oystercatcher numbers are declining, and between 2006 and 2015, breeding oystercatcher territories decreased by 27%. But it’s not too late.

You can donate to their appeal and share your sightings.

Guided Virtual Walks

The Isles of Scilly Wildlife Trust have put together a series of guided virtual walks with their Marine Ranger Natalie Rance for you to enjoy at home or to follow when you’re out an about on the Isles of scilly.

Walk 1: Innisidgen Burial Chamber

Walk 2: Tolls’ Hill

Walk 3: Halangy Down & Bant’s Carn

Walk 4: Garrison Walls

Walk 5: St Agnes & Gugh

Wildlife Trust

Did you know?

You can help to protect the Isles of Scilly’s unique environment and support the conservation work that the Isles of Scilly Wildlife Trust do by making a voluntary donation to them when booking your travel.

Book & Donate or just donate!

Isles of Scilly Wildlife Trust - Grey Seals
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