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Rainy day activities on the Isles of Scilly

You wouldn’t think it but it does occasionally rain on the Isles of Scilly. We’ve pulled together ten ways to make the most of your time with the kids when the weathers wet. Visit the local artists Wherever you look on the Isles of Scilly you’ll find galleries full of art capturing the islanders’ unique…

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Insect Safari - IOS Wildlife Trust

Insect Safari

August 2019 Creepy Crawlies are not everyone’s cup of tea but we are pretty confident we can change your mind! Don’t be put off if you don’t feel the love for the bugs, come along, learn a little about their lives and you may just find it in your heart to view them a little…

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Activity guides

A traditional summers day out on the Isles of Scilly

From pedal power to traditional family games, a summers day trip to the Isles of Scilly provides an energetic and fun day out for families. Travel to the islands on Scillonian III with one of our great day trip offers over the summer holidays, the crossing takes around 2 hours and 45 minutes. On a…

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Miracle Theatre - A Perfect World, Summer 2019 - Isles of Scilly

Miracle Theatre – A Perfect World

July 2019 A rollicking music-filled adventure touring the great outdoors this summer! Written and directed by Bill Scott with original music by Tom Adams. A Perfect World follows a feisty young woman as she ventures into a ‘Boy’s Own’ world of undiscovered jungles, treasure maps, campfires and penknives. Leading her team of quarrelsome explorers she…

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St Martin’s Fete

28 July 2019 St. Martin’s annual fete, with stalls, games music and general family fun.

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Rockpool Ramble and Beach Combing - Isles of Scilly Wildlife Trust Event

Rockpool Ramble & Beach Combing

August & September 2019 Ever wondered what the weird critter is attached to the rock, when you’ve visited the beach? Now’s your chance to find out! You’ll meet some of our less well known residents; discovering Sea slugs, Squat lobsters, Pipe fish, Dog whelks, Strawberry Anemones, Starfish, Clingfish, Crabs and much more! We’ll also learn…

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Day trips

The Isles of Scilly remind you of how summers used to be

28 miles off the coast of Cornwall lies the perfect British summer, where the weather feels warmer and life moves more slowly. With few roads and even fewer cars, summer in the islands moves at the pace of the tides. The inter-island boat services take you across the crystal-clear sea, ferrying you from one pale…

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Day trips

Isles of Scilly Family day trips

The Isles of Scilly are special for all ages but for families, it’s a great place to enjoy the simple things in life and appreciate all that the great outdoors has to offer. And with Whitsun around the corner, there’s ample opportunity to explore the Isles of Scilly in one day with our family day…

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Day trips

‘Island Hopping’ on the Isles of Scilly

With the Easter weekend forecast for sunshine and blue skies, we’re getting ready for a long weekend of indulging in the great outdoors… and a bit of chocolate too! Over on the Isles of Scilly, the islands are coming alive with spring colours in bloom across the hedgerows and headlands, wildlife is returning to the…

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Activity guides

Trails and tracks, explore the Isles of Scilly by foot this spring

One of the best ways to explore the Isles of Scilly is by exploring on foot. Each island has its own unique character where you will discover a landscape full of surprises, shifting in a medley of colours and senses throughout the day. We have handpicked one of our favourite walks to share with you,…

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St Agnes, Isles of Scilly - Beach view
Island life

Make the most of your Isles of Scilly escape with a packed spring events calendar

Blessed by their southerly latitude and the warmth of the Gulf Stream, the Isles of Scilly are the first place that spring arrives in England. When you think of spring, you may conjure up images of fields of yellow Narcissi, blooms of colour in the hedgerows and migratory birds returning. And here’s the thing, spring…

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Ten top Autumn activities on the Isles of Scilly

It’s September and as the summer draws to a close, here at Isles of Scilly Travel, we’ve been reflecting on what an exceptional summer we’ve had on Scilly and the many glorious long summer days. But Autumn brings an entirely new perspective to the Islands, the kids have gone back to School and the crowds…

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