Our Heritage

Our Heritage

‘One Hundred Years’ delivering for the Isles of Scilly

In 2020, the company celebrated 100 years of ‘delivering for Scilly’.  As part of the celebrations, we worked with local artist Sue Lewington to create a special centenary illustrated book. Sue is a freelance illustrator who specialises in ink and watercolour sketches.  She lived on St Martin’s for 20 years, where she ran a gallery,…

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Scillonian I aground - wartime - 1942
Our Heritage

War Time Scillonian 1939-1945

Today is Remembrance Day, so we thought we would share how Scillonian I played an important role in the war effort. During the Second World War ‘Scillonian I’ amazingly maintained a near-perfect sailing record. Between 1939 and 1945, a total of 1,552 crossings were completed with only one being cancelled due to exceptionally bad weather…

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Our Heritage

War time on the Isles of Scilly | A lifetime of lifeline service

As we approach Remembrance Sunday and as part of our 100 years of the Isles of Scilly Steamship Groups anniversary, we’ve looked back at the islands and company’s war time efforts. During the First World War, when resources were squeezed, the people of Scilly had to make do with crossings on an uncomfortable herring drifter…

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Our Heritage

“Julia the first”

In our latest behind the scenes series, celebrating just some of the people that made the Isles of Scilly Steamship Group what it is today; we’ve caught up with the first female Director to the Board – Julia Walder. Julia was born a Perkins from St. Martin’s, and after being educated at the islands Primary…

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Behind the Scenes

Long standing service from the beginning

There are many people who have made the Isles of Scilly Steamship Group what it is today and as part of our 100-year anniversary we’ve reflected on some of those figures. In our next series, we look back to the early days of our first ship ‘Penninis’ and at the life of loyal crew member…

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Behind the Scenes

From Penzance to the Isles of Scilly

Sue Lewington is producing a special illustrated book to celebrate our 100 year anniversary. The book is now available to purchase through our Travel Centre. Please find our contact details and opening hours below. Contact us to order   Sue Lewington is a freelance illustrator living in west Cornwall, who specialises in ink and watercolour…

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Our Heritage

Captain Joseph Reseigh, M.B.E., J.P. (1884 – 1953)

As part of our 100 years of the Isles of Scilly Steamship Group anniversary series, we’re looking back at the people that contributed to the company and made a huge impact on the community on the islands. In this series we meet Captain Joseph Reseigh. Captain Reseigh was the fourth generation of a family deeply…

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Island life

Isles of Scilly Memories – Gig Racing – Championship style

As part of our Isles of Scilly Memories series, this week as we approach the weekend that would have been the World Pilot Gig Championships; we are going to look back at previous championships and reminisce those IOS Memories. The World Pilot Gig Championships (WPGC) are an annual gig racing event held on the Isles…

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Our Heritage

100 years of the Isles of Scilly Steamship Group | Behind the scenes with – Cap’n Bob

We’re officially 100 years young! That’s 100 years of providing a lifeline service to the Isles of Scilly. From essential transport links to haulage and freight services, we have a century of experience and as part of our behind the scenes series, we want to show the people that have made that milestone possible. In…

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Our Heritage

100 years of the Isles of Scilly Steamship Group | Behind the Scenes- Frederick Robert Ward, MBE, JP

2020 marks the 100th year of the Isles of Scilly Steamship Group. Over the next couple months, we’re going to bring to you a series of behind the scenes posts, looking back at the people that made the Company what it is today. In the first 100- year behind the scenes series, we’ve found out…

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Our Heritage

Capturing the Isles of Scilly

Join us in 2020 as we celebrate 100 years of the Isles of Scilly Steamship Groups commitment and service to the Isles of Scilly. From the humble beginnings of an adapted fishing protection ship serving the islands pre Scillonian, to three Scillonian ships, freight ships and an airline service operating from multiple departure points; the…

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Our Heritage

A Scillonian century

In 2020 we, the Isles of Scilly Steamship Group will be celebrating our 100-year anniversary. That’s 100 years of providing a lifeline service to the Isles of Scilly. From the early days of an adapted fishing protection vessel making the crossing between Penzance and St Mary’s to the development of three Scillonian’s and our airline…

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