Corporate News

Corporate News

Double sailings to the Isles of Scilly in summer 2019

The Scillonian III passenger ferry is preparing to start her seasonal sailings to the Isles of Scilly. This summer, to offer greater choice to both visitors and local residents and to support growth of the visitor market, Isles of Scilly Travel will be offering double return sailings on Saturdays throughout the peak summer months, providing…

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Corporate News

Time running out to apply for £10,000 community group fund

Local groups and good causes have got until February 28th to apply for a grant of up to £10,000 from the Isles of Scilly Steamship Group’s Community Fund. The charitable fund has donated a milestone £50,000 to 35 different groups over the past three years. 2018 saw the Community Fund’s single biggest donation yet –…

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Community fund

Best New Year gift for Mount Hawke children

Children at Mount Hawke Academy have thanked the Isles of Scilly Steamship Company for “the best New Year gift we could ever have wished for”. An impressive new made-to-order adventure playground was installed in the school grounds over the Christmas holidays, replacing old, tired play equipment which was no longer fit for purpose. The £23,000…

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Corporate News

Celebrations as Community Fund reaches milestone £50,000 donation

A milestone £50,000 has been donated to local groups and good causes over the past three years by the Isles of Scilly Steamship Company’s Community Fund. The grand total was revealed this week as the company announced it has more money to give away in 2019, with applications for the next round now open. This…

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Corporate News

Isles of Scilly Steamship Group introduces changes to its Marine Team

The Isles of Scilly Steamship Group announces changes to its marine and freight team; a team that will guide the Company through to its next stages of vessel activity. The marine team will be led by Kevin Ayres, as Head of Marine Services. Kevin worked for the Company between 1999 and 2015 before leaving to…

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Phillips Home Start Kernow
Community fund

Lifeline service for struggling Cornish families trains 10 new volunteers thanks to Community Fund

When Sarah Phillips was told her six-month-old son had suffered a stroke, family life as she knew it changed forever. In her time of need, she turned to Home-Start Kernow, a small charity which offers support, friendship and practical help to struggling parents in Cornwall – help which Sarah says “saved her life”. Four years…

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Corporate News

Mali Rose Update

With the new year almost upon us we are pleased to report that we are still planning to start the three-month operational familiarisation period of the Mali Rose in January 2019, after the project team and ship staff have continued to make significant progress. The Mali Rose has completed her annual survey with no significant…

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Corporate News

Isles of Scilly Steamship Company – Mali Rose update

Island residents have been asking for an update about the Steamship Group’s freight vessel the Mali Rose, which was purchased as a replacement for the Gry Maritha. The Steamship Company (ISSG) intends for the Mali Rose to enter a period of familiarisation starting late January 2019 for a period of three months. During November and…

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Corporate News

Island Carriers relocates and announces longer opening hours

We are pleased to inform you that Island Carriers relocated into Nike’s old premises at Porthmellon Industrial Estate on Monday 28th  October. Island Carriers will continue to sell petrol and diesel for road vehicles at the pumps Monday to Friday and Saturday mornings. They will provide fuel on account and any customers wishing to benefit…

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Community fund

Steamship Group’s biggest charity donation supports heritage gig project

An aspiring project to preserve irreplaceable historical data on the traditional Cornish sport of pilot gig rowing has been given a massive cash boost thanks to the Isles of Scilly Steamship Group’s biggest ever donation. The exciting initiative, Pulling Together the Past, which aims to safeguard the history of pilot gig rowing in a new…

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Corporate News

Passenger growth drives record turnover at Steamship Group

Continued passenger growth has helped drive record turnover at the Isles of Scilly Steamship Group. The Penzance-based company, which provides lifeline air and sea services to the Isles of Scilly, carried 215,624 passengers in the 12 months to March 31, 2018, an increase of nearly 3% on 2017 (209,853,35). Turnover increased 2.1% from £17.09m to…

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Corporate News

Scheduled maintenance for Gry Maritha and Lyonesse Lady

Gry Maritha Scheduled maintenance, Monday 15th October 2018 – Sunday 28th October 2018 The Gry Maritha will be out of service for scheduled maintenance from Saturday 13th October, after her return from the islands. We aim to resume service on Monday 29th October 2018. During this time, we will only be carrying essential chilled and…

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