Schedule changes have been made due to the forecast showing a further deterioration in weather conditions, with strong winds and rough sea conditions during the early part of the day.
Due to the tidal restrictions and to allow Scillonian III to move to the Albert Peir, following the arrival back into Penzance on Saturday, the following changes to the schedule have been made.
Penzance departure 16:00
Luggage drop off: 13:15 to 15:30
Check-in / embarkation: 14:45to 15:30
St Mary’s departure: 19:30
Luggage drop off: 11:45 – 19:00
Check-in / embarkation: 18:15 – 19:00
Passengers will not need a new ticket to check in.
All passengers are entitled to a full refund, or to transfer their travel to an alternative day if the new times are not convenient.
For further help and advice, please contact our Passenger Relations Team on 01736 334220 where we will be able to support you. Phone lines 0pen Monday at 09:00
If your enquiry does not relate to travel over the next 3 days, please call back later. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your patience and understanding.
Please keep an eye out for updates via email, our text alerts and on our Twitter travel updates page and website.
Please note inter-island boating and watersports may remain unaffected, so check with providers for updates and sea conditions.