In 2020, the company celebrated 100 years of ‘delivering for Scilly’.  As part of the celebrations, we worked with local artist Sue Lewington to create a special centenary illustrated book.

Sue is a freelance illustrator who specialises in ink and watercolour sketches.  She lived on St Martin’s for 20 years, where she ran a gallery, before moving to west Penwith. Sue still has a deep affinity with the islands and regularly returns to the Isles of Scilly.

The book is filled with watercolour paintings illustrating and telling the story of the company and its fascinating history.

“The first Scillonian arrived in Scilly in November 1925 and her first regular trip was from Scilly to Penzance on the 2nd February 1926 and took 3 ¼ hours.  Captain McAllister commanded her until his retirement in 1931 when he was succeeded by Captain Joseph Reseigh, who made over 6,500 crossings as master.  By 1929 the day excursion trade had built up and the first holiday makers began to arrive.”

The beautifully detailed paintings flood the pages with colour, filled with illustrations of our first ships, aircraft and captains, along with many other important people who have shaped and contributed towards the history of the company over the years.   The book gives you a behind the scenes insight into areas that you don’t normally get to see – the engine room onboard Scillonian III, the freight ships loading and unloading or the control towers at the airports.

The book, titled ‘One Hundred Years’, celebrates our 100 years of service to the Isles of Scilly and connecting people to the islands. The perfect gift for lovers of the Isles of Scilly.


CALL: 01736 334220 | £15 +£3.50 postage