A new partnership has been agreed between the Isles of Scilly Steamship Group and the Isles of Scilly’s nature conservation charity the Isles of Scilly Wildlife Trust to help better protect the unique environment of the Isles of Scilly.

The Isles of Scilly Wildlife Trust will be working closely with the Steamship Group to help visitors to the Isles of Scilly learn more about the incredible natural environment of the islands and improve understanding of its unique wildlife and landscapes.

The Trust will appoint a Marine Ranger to talk to passengers on board Scillonian III as they are sailing to the Islands and offer information about the trust’s events programme on the Isles of Scilly which visitors can enjoy during their stay. This season, visitors can take part in activities such as rock-pooling, beachcombing and wildlife walks, and the trust runs up to three events each week across the five inhabited islands on Isles of Scilly.

Sarah Mason, Chief Executive of the Isles of Scilly Wildlife Trust, said: “The new Marine Ranger will be a fantastic resource for passengers on the ship and we hope that visitors will be able to make the most of their trip to the islands thanks to the wealth of information that will be made available, from details of events to marine life watching advice.
“We are really pleased that the Steamship Group is supporting this initiative and the trust in its mission to be the champion of nature on the Isles of Scilly.”

Stuart Reid, Managing Director of the Isles of Scilly Steamship Group, said: “We are delighted to be able to support the Isles of Scilly Wildlife Trust team in their work to deliver real benefits on the Isles of Scilly for the islands, and for the residents and visitors alike who enjoy them. We know that the incredible natural environment of Scilly is one of the top reasons people give for why they choose to visit the islands, so it’s vital we do all we can to help the Trust in its work to keep Scilly special for generations to come.”

People visiting the Isles of Scilly Travel website to book flights or ferry tickets to the islands will be given the opportunity to make a voluntary donation to the Trust at the same time that they place a travel booking, with a new facility launched on the website from April. The move follows a recent survey of visitors to Scilly when 75% of respondents said they would like the opportunity to support the Isles of Scilly Wildlife Trust by giving a donation when they booked their transport.

The islands are designated as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and over 50% of Scilly has been safeguarded for nature because of the Isles of Scilly Wildlife Trust’s work protecting rare plants, birds and other wildlife and habitats.

The independent Trust desperately needs ongoing support however, as it relies on grants, donations, memberships and legacies to carry out its vital work.