Isles of Scilly Steamship Group Community Fund

Our Community Fund is designed to support local projects and good causes that have a tangible on-going positive impact from a community, social or environmental perspective. It's run by the Isles of Scilly Steamship Group and projects are selected by a community panel. The panel is chaired by one of our non-executive directors, with help from an independent panel. The committee sets the eligibility criteria for the fund, looks at its effect in the community and meets evaluates funding bids. *Please note due to Covid-19, our Community Fund is currently on hold until further notice

Four levels of funding

There are two kinds of grant you can apply for. One ‘HERO project’ will be awarded up to £10,000, with a further possibility for up to eight projects to receive grants at levels of up to £5,000, £2,500 or £1,250. The number of lower value applications at each level will vary depending upon applications recieved to make up the £30,00 total. There are extra requirements to qualify as a HERO project, and you should make it clear which funding level you’re applying for on your application form.

How we allocate the money

The panel members score each application on criteria like community impact., how many people you'll help, the sustainability of your project, and the level of detail you've provided. HERO project applications should also show they'll make a long-lasting difference in the community- including clear evidence about your impact, community feedback on the need, and how you'll include the Steamship Group as sponsor. Please be sure to include full, projected budget for your project.

*Please note due to Covid-19, our Community Fund is currently on hold until further notice

Round 9


Submission open


Submissions close

More information

You can't alter your application after it's submitted. Any amount we award is fixed; we can't be liable if your project exceeds its budget. The grants are non-transferable, and you're responsible for any taxes or costs you incur. We don't offer any alternative grants.

Winning projects

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Farewell Mervyn after three loyal decades

After three decades of loyal service, the Isles of Scilly Steamship Group has said a fond farewell t...

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Glass shelter for the Isles of Scilly

At the end of 2019, we launched our ninth round of the Community Fund – the project first launched...

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£ 2,500 grant

Donation to help future proof island folk festival

Scilly Folk Festival has been future proofed thanks to a £1,113 donation from the Steamship Company...

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£ 1,113 grant

Huge footballing victory for Five Islands Academy

Five Islands Academy football team is celebrating a huge victory after winning the ESFA Small School...

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Environmental volunteers clean up coastline with Community Fund donation

A passionate environmental campaigner says “it means so much” to be awarded the money to pay for...

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£ 3,548 grant

Steamship Group pays for lifeline emergency service for a year

A lifeline service for people in Cornwall who are suicidal or in crisis is being funded for an entir...

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£ 3,380 grant

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