Scillonian III will be shortly moving into Penzance dry dock after returning from her 208th round trip to the Isles of Scilly this year. This will enable scheduled maintenance to take place during the winter.

Whilst in dry dock, the iconic Scillonian III passenger ferry, which sails from Penzance to the Isles of Scilly, will undergo a full service. This includes an overhaul of both engines, deep cleaning and inspecting safety equipment. The lengthy process normally takes around four and a half months to complete.

Despite Scillonian III being out of service during the maintenance work, her crew will continue to work hard throughout the winter in order to keep the flagship ferry in top condition ready for another busy summer season in 2018.

The quayside at Penzance will also remain active as the vital Isles of Scilly freight service, which delivers food and fuel among other important items, continues to run throughout the winter season.

Mark Howarth, Managing Director of the Isles of Scilly Steamship Group, said: “Scillonian III saw another successful season this year, making 208 return trips between March and November 2017. During these trips, over 121,000 passengers were transported to and from the Isles of Scilly.”

The distance sailed by Scillonian III this season was 16,224 nautical miles and is the equivalent to travelling three quarters of the way around the world.

Scillonian III also celebrated a special milestone this year, as May marked her 40th anniversary, and parties were thrown in both Penzance and St Mary’s in honour of the occasion.

Since her launch in 1977, Scillonian III has carried more than four million passengers, including celebrities and members of the Royal Family, covering over half a million miles in the process.

The flagship ferry’s route between Penzance and St Mary’s takes around 2hrs and 45 minutes and offers passengers one of the most unique views of the Cornish coastline, as well as the chance to see a large variety of wildlife.

Scillonian III will return to operation in March 2018 and bookings for 2018 are already being taken; find out more by visiting