We may not be able to connect you to the Isles of Scilly right now, but we can bring a little piece of the islands into your homes whilst we’re waiting.

As we all stay at home and miss out on seeing friends, family and travelling, it can help to see photos and videos of happier times, and to learn more about the places we’d hope to visit once restrictions are eased.

We’re looking forward to welcoming you back to the Isles of Scilly when it’s safe to travel again, and with our Covid Promise, you can rest assured that booking flights with Skybus or ferry travel on Scillonian III for 2021 comes with a guarantee of free amendments and cancellations if you have to change your booking because of Government restrictions.

So if you’d like a little inspiration for a future trip, or would simply enjoy some beautiful views to let your mind escape to sand-fringed islands and beautiful beaches, be sure to follow us on social media where we’ll be sharing new images and videos every day.

To help, we asked you to share some of your own favourite Isles of Scilly memories and holiday photos with us – and you didn’t let us down!

In the last two weeks, we’ve been delighted to receive many dozens of pictures, memories and recollections from happy trips you’ve enjoyed in the past to the islands.

Here are just a few to enjoy – and look out for more on our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages over the next month.


  • Shelley Skipton shared this lovely photo of her and her daughter on top of the blockhouse on Tresco in 2018, saying she would “never forget my first glimpse of the view… took my breath away. Even the picture doesn’t do it justice. We spent an amazing week on the Isles of Scilly and will be back later this year.” We couldn’t agree more Shelley!

  • Kate Baylis remembered having seals swimming around them while they were kayaking. The islands famous seals are fondly remembered by many of you, especially those who have enjoyed a snorkelling with seals trip from St Martin’s – one of the islands’ most popular activities.


  • Frankie Ollett has especially happy memories of the Isles of Scilly having gotten married in Juliet’s Garden on St Mary’s 11 years ago; an amazing location for a wedding.


  • Jason Croucher remembers eating pasties on the beach! Sometimes the simplest pleasures are the best, and the Isles of Scilly’s home-grown local produce and homemade treats are certainly best enjoyed with a sea view.

  • Susie Clayton shared this very touching memory: “I scattered some of my mom’s ashes on this beach on her birthday last year. She’d never visited the Isles of Scilly, so I took her with me, and she’s there forever now.” Thinking of you, Susie.

  • Vanessa Cook made us dream of summer boat trips with her lovely photo taken while waiting for the ferry from Bryher.

  • Barry Stone had an amazing photo of a dolphin at play.

  • We loved Samantha Jane’s photo of these two pups enjoying “the most favourite view in the world”. The islands are a very dog-friendly destination – and dogs are welcome on both the ferry and Skybus planes – so you may want to consider taking your four-legged friend to see the sights too.

  • Claire Love found it hard to choose a favourite memory – “this is one of about 50 fabulous memories we could post” – but opted for this snapshot of a trip to Tresco’s Abbey Gardens from August 2020, a popular spot for many with its unusual plants and flowers thriving in the ISles of Scilly’s sub-tropical temperatures.

  • Alice Sheppard’s extensive photo album offered us so many gems (many of which we’ll be showcasing on social media soon!) but this gorgeous beach frame stole our hearts.

  • Here’s Maxine Bennett and her relay team at the Scilly Swim Challenge in 2020 – an amazing feat! You could sign up to try swimming between the islands on a future trip if you fancy challenging yourself.

  • And finally, Helen Davidson clearly found it hard to choose just one image. We love her compilation photo, and the famous blue seas of the Isle of Scilly just shine through.

Hopefully these pictures have given you some ideas for things to do on your next adventure to the islands, whether it’s an adventurous walk, a lazy beach day or spot of wildlife watching.

Feel free to share your own memories of the Isles of Scilly with us by sending us a message via our Facebook or Instagram pages, or let us know if there’s an island view or photo you’d like to see featured in the next few weeks.

Stay safe and we hope to see you soon.