The Isles of Scilly is a photographer’s paradise, wherever you look, there are camera opportunities but seeing the islands from above is something special altogether. We’ve caught up with Matt from Aerial Cornwall to hear about his favourite places he’s captured by drone on the Isles of Scilly.

In Matt’s words…

  1. When you think of the Isles of Scilly, you think of an island paradise; tranquil and peaceful. I think this image says all that and more! I love the unique layout of this horseshoe-shaped beach on Tean.

Tean Island

  1. Sometimes when shooting aerial photography, you don’t need to be very high. Just a slight elevation can really change the way we see the world.

Par Beach, St. Martin’s

3. You often hear “Cornwall or the Caribbean?” I think this photo really makes it hard to tell the difference. The white sands and clear water on the islands are simply stunning shown here with this image taken off Tresco.

Uninhabited islands taken from Tresco island

4. Gig rowing is an important part of the Isles of Scilly. It was great to capture the finish of this race on St. Martin’s. I love the long shadows from the spectators on the beach in the evening sun.

Gig racing, St. Martin’s

  1. Water clarity can really be shown off from the air. I love a straight down birds eye view to show this, it’s always an interesting perspective.

  1. Tean is my personal favourite island to photograph. This was taken on a long summer’s day in July, Round Island Lighthouse is seen in the distance.

  1. Boats make excellent subjects from the air and when they are floating on crystal clear water it’s even better. *Tip- Make sure you use filters on the camera to cut through the glare and reflection of the water.

Old Grimsby, Tresco

  1. The water taxis play a vital role in transport to and from the islands. I really like the shot of this boat zooming through a deep-water channel at low tide off St. Martin’s.

  1. The golden glow of the first light on St. Mary’s. I love the rugged coastline around Peninnis Lighthouse and it’s a great place to watch the sunrise.

Penninis, St. Mary’s

  1. Moored up yachts are a common site around the islands. This image shows the length of the southern side of St. Martin’s and the Daymark in the distance.

  1. This is one of my favourite images, Hugh Town separating the sheltered boats in St. Mary’s Harbour from the open ocean and the last of the evening sun on Peninnis Lighthouse.

  1. The Daymark on St. Martin’s is one of the first sights you see when flying into the islands, so I had to capture this view. Luckily the wind was light and the air visibility was superb. I could easily see Cornwall in the other direction.

Would you like to see these stunning views in person? A visit to the Isles of Scilly is easily accessible, being just 28 miles from the coast of Land’s End. You can choose to fly with Skybus or sail from Penzance aboard the passenger ferry Scillonian III.

Whether you visit this autumn or spring 2021, the landscape is forever changing with the seasons and always bringing a different perspective. The great thing about Scilly is, it doesn’t matter if you are travelling on your own, with family, partners or friends; it’s safe, friendly, calm and jaw-droppingly beautiful.

You can view more of Matt’s work at:  *Note: If operating a drone on the Isles of Scilly it is vital you inform Air Traffic Control at St. Mary’s Airport prior to all flights.